Unearthing The Undead 08 - PAUL McCARTNEY
Paul McCartney played a ghoul in "Night of the Living Dead". Unfortunately he does
not appear in the finished film, but is in a few photos taken during the "Day for Night"
Paul got into the movie as he was a neighbor of Regis and Vince Survinski when they
lived on Baldwin St. in Castle Shannon, PA. According to Jim Cirronella, Regis said
that Paul was hard of hearing and Regis would direct him via hand movements.
Paul J. McCartney: June 21, 1918 - March 1, 1977
Researched and compiled by John Vullo
Text and photos © Image Ten, Inc.
If you know of any family, friends or acquaintances that appeared as extras in the original Night of the Living Dead, please contact John Vullo at jmv3683@gmail.com