Cast and crew

Ivy Booth

Text and photos © Image Ten, Inc.
Text and photos © Image Ten, Inc.

Unearthing The Undead 17 - IVY BOOTH

Ivy Booth played the part of the nurse in "Night of the Living Dead".  She can be spotted in the film running in the background during the scene where Bill Cardille hands Sheriff McClelland his coffee.  She also is the passenger in the Willard Health Department vehicle when it drives next to the blown up truck.

Ivy was married to Marshall Booth who was a sound engineer on the film.  At the time, she was a student at the School of Nursing at the University of Pittsburgh.  She graduated in 1968 and got her masters in 1978.

She says, "I wore my Pitt cap (every school had it's own type of cap).  I am sure Pitt would have been upset had they known, but since the only thing left in the film was the back of my head, no one ever knew.  

Supposedly I was a member of the health department, coming to investigate the rumors about strange things at the farm.  It was fun and my one claim to "fame".

Ivy C. Booth:  March 24, 1946

Researched and compiled by John Vullo

Text and photos © Image Ten, Inc.

If you know of any family, friends or acquaintances that appeared as extras in the original Night of the Living Dead, please contact John Vullo at

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