Unearthing The Undead 21 - DON BOSTEN
Don Bosten played a ghoul in "Night of the Living Dead". He can be seen around the gas pump when Ben is trying to escape after the truck explosion. Don was an old neighbor and friend of Russ Streiners.
Mr. Bosten was born February 26, 1942 in Brooklyn N.Y. His parents were Paul R. Bosten and Helen I. Bosten. He grew up in Garden City N.Y. He went to Lehigh University where he played Freshmen soccer and was a member of Lambda Chi Alpha. He held several fraternity offices and was a member of student government. He was secretary of the student chapter of ASME. He graduated with a degree in Mechanical Engineering.
He worked for Rockwell Manufacturing Company in Pittsburgh Pa. and held over 30 patents for the design of power tools.
In 1968 he played the role of a Ghoul in “Night of the Living Dead”.
1972 he was transferred to Jackson Tn. In Jackson he played softball and volleyball. He volunteered with Junior Achievement. He built sets for the Jackson Theater Guild and Trenton Nitelite Theater. He was a deacon at Evangelical
Christian Church. He owned Bicycle City and B&M Center.
Don was married to Debbie Bosten and was father to Melissa Noel. His sister Nancy Bosten Batiste lives in Raleigh, N.C.
Researched and compiled by John Vullo
Text and photos © Image Ten, Inc.
If you know of any family, friends or acquaintances that appeared as extras in the original Night of the Living Dead, please contact John Vullo at jmv3683@gmail.com